Powder coating

UAB "Alumnita" - offers a long-lasting metal painting method. We paint aluminum and black steel using automatic surface preparation. With available the latest, modern painting equipment we guarantee high quality powder coating services. The possibility of painting parts up to 3800 mm. We use Wagner painting equipment for work.

We have one of the largest powder coating chambers in Lithuania, so we can paint large structures. Length: 5500mm, Width: 1400mm, Height: 2600mm. Maximum weight per product: 430 kg.
We can powder-coat - 1,000,000 square metres of metal products and other structures per year.

Powder coating is a process that involves spraying dry powder paint with an electrostatic charge (10,000-90,000 volts) onto a surface. This method is also known as dry painting. After application, the surface is heated in an oven, where the paint melts and evenly coats the surface, polymerising to form a highly durable coating. Powder coating is characterised by its durability, scratch resistance and resistance to environmental influences. Unlike wet paints, powders do not use solvents, providing a harder and more durable surface.

Atliekame ir ratlankių dažymo paslaugą. Daugiau informacijos galime suteikti el.paštu arba telefonu.

More information: info@alumnita.lt  arba tel.  +370 656 05752 

  • Powder coating of various metals according to the RAL color palette;
  • Preparation of products before powder coating;
  • We paint the product in 2-3 days.

Paskaičiuosime per 1 val

Atsiųskite mums užkausą - atsakysime Jums per 1 val. 

miltelinis metalu dazymas

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What is powder coating?

Powder coating is a modern and efficient metal painting process using dry paint particles. This method allows the paint to cover the surface evenly and uniformly, providing protection against corrosion and damage. Powder coating not only adds to the aesthetic beauty of the surface, but also increases resistance to external conditions. The paint coating is resistant to ultraviolet rays, chemical influences and mechanical damage. It is one of the most environmentally friendly painting methods as it does not use solvents or harmful substances. Due to these properties, powder coating is widely used in industry and for the finishing of various metal structures. In Kaunas, you can find various companies offering these professional painting services.

What are the benefits of powder coating? 

Production process starts with mixing the polymer pellets with hardener, pigments and other components. The mixture is heated, then cooled, crushed and ground into a fine 'paint powder'. Powder coating consists of three steps: surface preparation, where the surface is cleaned and treated; surface powdering, using professional equipment; and heating, where the paint melts evenly. Benefits: rust protection, a long-lasting layer, a variety of colours, non-toxicity and high resistance to fading and scratching.

Powder painting of metal in Kaunas

In Kaunas, powder coating is becoming increasingly popular due to its durability and resistance. There are several companies in the city specialising in painting metal surfaces, ensuring high quality and fast service. A Kaunas company such as UAB Alumnita uses modern equipment to ensure that the paint layer is even and long-lasting. When choosing metal painting in Kaunas, customers can choose from a range of RAL colours to suit their project needs. This process is particularly useful for both outdoor and indoor metal objects. Powder coating in Kaunas is adaptable to both individual and business needs, ensuring a fast and professional result. The company also offers consultations to help you choose the most suitable painting solution for your metal products. 

Powder coating of steel 

Powder coating not only gives steel surfaces protection but also durability. Powder-coated steel becomes resistant to corrosion, mechanical damage and chemical attack. This process allows steel structures to retain their aesthetic and functional properties for longer. Powder coatings are resistant to extreme temperatures and environmental conditions, making them ideal for outdoor structures such as fences, roofs or industrial installations. Steel is painted using dry paint particles which, when exposed to high temperatures, adhere to the surface to form a highly durable coating. Painting steel using this method also reduces the need for maintenance and ensures that the painted surface will last for many years. This makes it one of the most effective solutions in the industry.

Powder coating of aluminium 

Powder coating aluminium surfaces not only provides protection but also durability. Aluminium powder-coated to resist corrosion, mechanical damage and chemical attack. This process allows aluminium structures to retain their aesthetic and functional properties for longer. Powder coatings are resistant to extreme temperatures and environmental conditions, making them ideal for outdoor structures such as fences, roofs or industrial installations. Steel is painted using dry paint particles which, when exposed to high temperatures, adhere to the surface to form a highly durable coating. Painting aluminium using this method also reduces the need for maintenance and ensures that the painted surface will last for many years. This makes it one of the most effective solutions in the industry.

Ecological benefits and efficiency

Powder coating is not only a reliable but also an environmentally friendly painting solution. This method does not use any harmful solvents or chemicals and is therefore less harmful to the environment. In addition, there is virtually no waste during the process, as paint particles that do not end up on the surface can be recycled. This helps to reduce the use of resources and contributes to a more sustainable business model. Powder coating is also very efficient as it allows large surfaces to be coated quickly and at minimal cost. Companies providing this service in Kaunas use modern painting technologies to ensure a high-quality result. As a result, powder coating is increasingly appreciated in both industrial and private projects.

Why choose powder coating in Kaunas?

UAB Alumnita in Kaunas has a high level of professionalism and attention to detail, so customers can be sure of the quality of their painting results. Powder coating in Kaunas is carried out quickly and the price of the service is affordable for various projects. The choice of RAL colours and individual solutions allows for adaptation to specific needs. Steel, aluminium and other metals are painted with high-precision techniques that ensure long-lasting protection and an aesthetic appearance. For these reasons, it is worth choosing powder coating services in Kaunas.

What should you know about the painting process?

Powder coating starts with careful surface preparation, which is an essential step in achieving a quality result. The metal surface is cleaned and rust, grease and other contaminants are removed. Dry paint particles are then applied and electrostatically bonded to the metal surface. The painted parts are placed in an oven where the paint hardens to form a durable coating. The whole process is fast and efficient and the resulting surface is resistant to environmental factors. The thickness and strength of the paint coating depends on the specific needs of the project, so customers can choose from a wide range of solutions. Powder coating is ideal for both small and large projects.

How to ensure fast and high-quality powder coating?

Fast and high-quality powder coating depends on the use of professional technicians and modern equipment. UAB Alumnita in Kaunas uses advanced Wagner painting systems to ensure fast and accurate painting. Specialists carry out the work within 2-3 days, depending on the size of the order. Customers can be sure that the result will be not only aesthetic but also durable. Painting companies also ensure that customers receive comprehensive advice and support to achieve the best possible solutions. With proper preparation and the use of modern technology, powder coating can be carried out quickly and to a high standard. So, if you need fast and smooth powder coating in Kaunas, it is worth contacting reliable companies.

Miltelinis dažymas – technologija ir privalumai

Miltelinis dažymas yra elektrostatinis metalo paviršiaus padengimo metodas, užtikrinantis atsparią, tolygią ir ilgaamžę dangą. Šis dažymo būdas nenaudoja tirpiklių ir lakiųjų organinių junginių, todėl yra ekologiškesnis už tradicinius šlapius dažus.

Pagrindiniai miltelinio dažymo privalumai:

  • Didelis mechaninis atsparumas įbrėžimams ir smūgiams
  • Atsparumas cheminiams poveikiams ir atmosferos sąlygoms
  • Tolygus ir be defektų dažų padengimas
  • Greitas džiūvimo ir kietėjimo procesas krosnyje
  • Platus spalvų ir paviršiaus faktūrų pasirinkimas pagal RAL paletę

Miltelinio dažymo technologinis procesas

  1. Paviršiaus paruošimas – metalo valymas nuo rūdžių, riebalų ir senų dangų, naudojant cheminį arba mechaninį valymą (smėliavimą, fosfatavimą).
  2. Gruntavimas (jei reikalinga) – papildomas korozijos apsaugos sluoksnis, užtikrinantis geresnį dažų sukibimą.
  3. Miltelinio dažų sluoksnio užnešimas – elektrostatinis dažų dalelių paskirstymas, užtikrinantis tolygų padengimą.
  4. Polimerizacija – kaitinimas 180–200 °C temperatūroje, kur dažų sluoksnis išsilydo ir suformuoja vientisą dangą.
  5. Baigiamoji kokybės kontrolė – tikrinamas padengimo vientisumas, storis ir atsparumas aplinkos poveikiui.

Ratlankių dažymas milteliniu būdu

Automobilio ratlankiai nuolat veikiami mechaninių, cheminės korozijos ir atmosferos sąlygų, todėl jų apsauga ypač svarbi. Miltelinis dažymas ratlankiams suteikia ilgaamžišką ir atsparią dangą, kuri nesilupa, neskilinėja ir nepraranda spalvos.

Pagrindiniai ratlankių miltelinio dažymo etapai:

  1. Smėliavimas arba cheminis valymas – senų dažų, korozijos ir oksidacijos pašalinimas
  2. Gruntavimas (jei reikalinga) – papildomas apsaugos sluoksnis, užtikrinantis geresnį dažų sukibimą
  3. Miltelinio dažymo atlikimas – tolygus dažų padengimas elektrostatiniu būdu
  4. Terminis apdorojimas – kaitinimas polimerizacijos krosnyje, kur dažų danga sutvirtėja
  5. Baigiamoji kokybės patikra – vizualinis ir mechaninis atsparumo testavimas

Surinkimasmask Group 14

Kodėl verta rinktis miltelinį dažymą?

  • Aukšta padengimo kokybė be dažų nutekėjimų ar burbuliukų
  • Dangos atsparumas korozijai, ultravioletiniams spinduliams ir cheminiam poveikiui
  • Galimybė rinktis iš įvairių spalvų, blizgių, matinių ir tekstūrinių paviršių
  • Ekonomiškas ir ekologiškas dažymo sprendimas

Miltelinis dažymas tinka ne tik ratlankiams, bet ir įvairiems metalo gaminiams: konstrukcijoms, profiliams, turėklams, pramoninėms detalėms bei kitoms metalinėms dalims.

Norint pasiekti geriausią rezultatą, svarbu užtikrinti tinkamą paviršiaus paruošimą ir profesionaliai atliktą dažymo procesą. Mūsų įmonė naudoja modernią įrangą ir kokybiškas dažų medžiagas, kad kiekvienas gaminys būtų ilgaamžis ir estetiškai patrauklus.